3 Ideas To Give Your Home Summer Shade And Reduce Cooling Costs
Direct sunlight during the summer months can be one of the biggest contributors to heat gain and increased cooling costs. Do you have windows that get direct sunlight and cause areas to be especially hotter than others? These areas may be somewhere that you want to consider having summer shade, but you may want to have sunlight in winter. What can you do to get the best of both shade and sunlight? Here are some ideas that will help you get the shade in summer and sunlight in winter:
1. Building Arbors With Summer Green Cover That Dies Off In Fall
Arbors can be a great solution to have summer shade. If you want to have a natural cover for your shade, consider using plants that will die off in spring for shade and sunlight when you need it. The greenery can be a lot of work and needs to be pruned often. If you want to have an easier solution for adding shade to your arbor, talk with an awning service about installing a shade awning beneath the arbor that you can use as you need, as well as create a dry covering when it rains.
2. Adding Retractable Awnings That Can Be Used When You Need Them
Retractable awnings can also be a good solution for windows. There are many different sizes and styles to choose from. This can be good if you want to be able to keep the awnings tucked away to protect them from damage during a storm. You will also be able to use the awnings as you need them for shade or sunlight. Conventionally, these awnings have been made out of canvas-like materials, but today you can also choose from more modern materials like metal and vinyl.
3. Installing Tinted Screens And Roll-up Blinds In Windows To Control Sunlight
You may also want to consider installing tinted screens on your window to reduce direct sunlight and glare. This can be a good solution if you want to still have some natural light and not completely block direct sunlight. In addition, you may also want to consider adding roll-up blinds to help control the light that comes in through windows. Both of these solutions can easily be installed by an awning service.
It may be hard to deal with the sunlight and too much shade in winter, but with some of these ideas you will have the problem solved. Contact an awning service and talk with them about installing retractable awnings to get the best of both shade and sunlight.